Traditional Chinese Medicine Health

In the long history of Chinese medicine, the theory of meridians has occupied an important position. The meridian system runs through the whole body, connecting the five viscera and six bowels, and the four limbs and hundred bones.
The ancient saying "Where there is free flow, there is no pain; where there is pain, there is blockage" reveals that the smoothness of the meridians directly affects the health of the body. When the meridians are obstructed and the flow of Qi and blood is hindered, it can lead to various discomforts and the onset of diseases.
Moxibustion, as one of the traditional Chinese medical therapies, has a long history. It primarily uses mugwort as the main material, by igniting the moxa wool or moxa stick, utilizing its warm stimulation and medicinal effects, to fumigate and roast specific acupoints on the human body, in order to achieve the purpose of harmonizing Qi and blood, strengthening the body and healing diseases.
This ancient Chinese natural therapy, with its non-invasive, safe, and effective characteristics, is increasingly popular with people around the world.
Let us experience the magical therapeutic effects of moxibustion and enjoy a healthy and harmonious life in unity with nature.