Chest pain, chest distress, inability to control limbs, periarthritis of the shoulder, axillary tuberculous lymphadenitis (cervical lymph node tuberculosis), armpit odor, sadness and unhappiness, dry throat, thirst, dry retching, yellowing of the eyes, inability to raise the shoulder and arm, spasmodic pain in the elbow and arm, coronary heart disease, angina, pericarditis, sequelae of cerebrovascular diseases, intercostal neuralgia, hysteria, insufficient milk secretion. In addition, plucking this acupoint can prevent coronary heart disease and pulmonary heart disease.
Located at the apex of the armpit, where the axillary artery pulsates. (This acupoint is bilateral, one on each side.)
Step 1: Abduct the upper arm; Step 2: At the apex of the armpit, you can feel the arterial pulse. Press where there is a sensation of soreness and swelling, and that is the location of this acupoint.