Chest pain, gastric pain, heart pain, restlessness, palpitations, suspended animation, mania, epilepsy, amnesia, chest fullness and shortness of breath, cough with rapid breathing, sudden abdominal pain, vomiting, hiccups, globus sensation, acid regurgitation, jaundice, dysentery, schizophrenia, neurasthenia, biliary ascariasis, etc.
In the upper abdomen, on the anterior midline, 6 cun above the center of the navel.
Step 1: Lie on your back; Step 2: Feel downward along the anterior midline to identify the depression formed between the body of the sternum and the xiphoid process, known as the xiphoid process of the sternum; Step 3: Divide the line connecting the xiphoid process and the center of the navel into four equal parts, the intersection of the upper 1/4 and the lower 3/4 is the location of this acupoint.