Headaches, red eyes, nasal congestion, dizziness, epilepsy, etc.
Located on the human head, directly above the Gathered Bamboo (BL-2) acupoint, 0.5 cun into the hairline, between the line connecting the Spirit Courtyard (GV-24) and Deviating Curve (BL-4) acupoints. (This acupoint is bilateral, one on each side.)
Step 1: Sit upright or lie on your back; Step 2: Frown, and you will notice a protrusion at the inner end of the eyebrows, which is the Gathered Bamboo (BL-2) acupoint; Step 3: With your fingers, gently push upwards from the Gathered Bamboo (BL-2) acupoint, and the location is halfway into the hairline (the width of the interphalangeal joint of the thumb is considered 1 cun), which is the position of this acupoint.