Cervical spine soreness, stiff neck, shoulder periarthritis, hypertension, dizziness, headache, and alleviation of eye fatigue, etc. This acupoint is one of the preferred acupoints for regulating diseases of the head, neck, spine, and nervous system in traditional Chinese medicine.
On the nape of the neck, in the depression behind the outer edge of the large tendon (trapezius muscle) at the posterior hairline, approximately 1.3 cun lateral to the midpoint of the posterior hairline. (This acupoint is bilateral, one on each side.)
Step 1: Sit up straight and lower your head; Step 2: Feel the back of the neck, where there are two large tendons (trapezius muscles); Step 3: At the outer edge of these tendons, near the posterior hairline, you can feel a depression, which is the location of this acupoint.