Introduction To Acupoints

Small Intestine Transporter

Acupoint Name:Small Intestine Transporter Acupoint

Acupoint Code:BL-27


Associated Meridian:The Bladder channel of Foot, Greater Yang

Main Diseases for Treatment

Lower abdominal swelling, lower abdominal pain, foot swelling, nocturia, lower abdominal distension and pain, dysentery with red and white discharges, nocturnal emission, enuresis, hematuria, hernia, leukorrhea, lumbosacral pain, and pelvic inflammatory disease, etc. In addition, this acupoint, when combined with the Da Chang Shu acupoint, can significantly improve the condition of premature ejaculation in men.

Acupoint Location

On the sacral region, 1.5 cun lateral to the median sacral crest, level with the first posterior sacral foramen. (This acupoint is bilateral, one on each side.)

Acupoint Selection Techniques

Step 1: Lie prone;
Step 2: From the highest point of the iliac crest at the back of the pelvis, palpate inward and downward along the sacral horns on both sides to feel a prominent bony protrusion (the posterior superior iliac spine);
Step 3: The midpoint of the iliac crest at the same level as this protrusion is the 1st sacral vertebra, and 2 horizontal fingers lateral to the side of the 1st sacral vertebra (place the index and middle fingers side by side, using the width of the middle finger's proximal interphalangeal joint as the standard for 1.5 cun) is the location of this acupoint.

Acupoint Chart

BL-27:Small Intestine Transporter(xiaochangshu)
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