Introduction To Acupoints

Superficial Cleft

Acupoint Name:Superficial Cleft Acupoint

Acupoint Code:BL-38


Associated Meridian:The Bladder channel of Foot, Greater Yang

Main Diseases for Treatment

Constipation, pain in the thigh and popliteal area, numbness.

Acupoint Location

On the lateral end of the popliteal crease, 1 cun above Lateral End of the Crease (BL-39), on the medial side of the biceps femoris tendon. (This acupoint is bilateral, one on each side.)

Acupoint Selection Techniques

Lie prone. Measure 1 horizontal finger width upward from the lateral end of the popliteal crease to reach a large tendon (the biceps femoris tendon), and press inward on the medial side of this tendon where there is a depression to find this acupoint.

Acupoint Chart

BL-38:Superficial Cleft(fuxi)
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