1.Musculoskeletal system diseases: Acute lumbar sprain, lower limb paralysis, calf muscle spasm, red and swollen external malleolus, beriberi, leg and foot pain, lower limb atrophy and numbness, etc.; 2.Nervous system and mental disorders: Facial nerve paralysis, trigeminal neuralgia, headache, heavy head, etc.
On the back of the lower leg, behind the external malleolus, 3 cun directly above the Kunlun acupoint. (This acupoint is bilateral, one on each side.)
Lie prone. From the lower end of the lateral side of the lower leg, behind the high bone (lateral malleolus), measure upwards along this bone for 4 horizontal fingers, and press where there is a sensation of soreness and swelling; this is the location of this acupoint.