1.Otorhinolaryngology system diseases: Toothache, pulpitis, periodontitis, mumps, temporomandibular joint inflammation, masseter spasm; 2.Nervous system diseases: Facial nerve paralysis, trigeminal neuralgia; 3.Others: Sequelae of cerebrovascular diseases, goiter.
On the cheek, in front and above the angle of the jaw, about one horizontal finger width below the ear, where a depression appears in the bulging muscle when chewing. (This acupoint is bilateral, one on each side.)
Step 1: Sit upright or lie on your back. Step 2: When you clench your teeth, the muscle that bulges is the masseter muscle. Step 3: At the highest point of the masseter muscle, press where it indents and feels sore and swollen, which is the location of the acupoint.