Headaches, dizziness, vomiting, convulsions in children, migraine, trigeminal neuralgia, facial nerve paralysis, vertigo, pain in the parietal bone area, gastritis, and febrile convulsions in children.
On the head, directly above the tip of the ear, 1.5 cun into the hairline from the ear's top, directly above Angle Vertex (TE-20). (This acupoint is bilateral, one on each side.)
Step 1: Sit up straight or lie on your side; Step 2: Fold the auricle forward, and the point where the tip of the ear points straight up into the hairline at a distance of 2 horizontal fingers (place the index and middle fingers side by side, using the width of the middle finger's proximal interphalangeal joint as the standard for 1.5 cun) is the location of this acupoint.