Headaches, stiff neck, swollen cheeks, toothache, sore throat, facial paralysis with mouth and eye slanting, insomnia, pain behind the ear, acute pain in the gums, swollen neck making it difficult to bend or look up, ear pain due to cheek swelling, throat blockage, malaria, epilepsy, hemiplegia, spasms and atrophy of the limbs, facial paralysis, mumps, incomplete brain development, cerebral palsy, and hysteria.
On the head, in the depression behind and below the mastoid process of the ear. (This acupoint is bilateral, one on each side.)
Step 1: Sit up straight or lie on your side. Step 2: Behind the high bone behind the ear (mastoid process), you can feel a depression. Press firmly, and the spot where there is a significant sensation of soreness and swelling is the location of this acupoint.