Weakness and pain in the lower back, rigidity and opisthotonos of the spine, enuresis, frequent urination, diarrhea, nocturnal emission, turbid urine, impotence, premature ejaculation, leukorrhea, miscarriage, five types of labor and seven types of injury, dizziness, tinnitus, epilepsy, fright, cold hands and feet, kidney diseases, crying at night, decreased energy, fatigue, age spots, acne, etc.
Located between the spinous processes of the second and third lumbar vertebrae.
Step 1: Sit upright or lie prone. Step 2: Take a line through the midpoint of the navel, wrapping around the waist and abdomen horizontally. Step 3: The intersection of this line with the posterior midline, where there is a depression upon pressure, is the location of this acupoint.