Irregular menstruation, leukorrhea, vulvar itching, inner thigh pain, lower limb paralysis. (Combined with Crooked Bone (CV-2) acupoint, Second Bone Hole (BL-32) acupoint, and Three Yin Intersection (SP-6) acupoint for regulating irregular menstruation, excessive vaginal discharge, vulvar itching, and tinea cruris caused by damp-heat pouring downward; combined with Kidney Transporter (BL-23) acupoint, Big Plentifulness (KI-12) acupoint, Life Gate (GV-4) acupoint, and Great Stream (KI-3) acupoint for regulating infertility in women and men; combined with Middle of the Crease (BL-40) acupoint, Second Bone Hole (BL-32) acupoint, and Bladder Transporter (BL-28) acupoint for regulating cystitis and bladder stones.)
On the inner side of the thigh, 2 cun directly below Qi Surge (ST-30), at the thigh root, below the pubic tubercle, on the outer edge of the adductor longus muscle. (This acupoint is bilateral, one on each side.)
Lie supine, 2 cun lateral to the midpoint of the upper edge of the pubic symphysis (Qi Surge (ST-30) acupoint), and the acupoint location is 2 cun directly below this point.