Mania, epilepsy, pain on the medial side of the lower leg, abdominal pain, vomiting, hernia, weakness in the legs, calf muscle spasm, nephritis, orchitis, pelvic inflammatory disease, etc.
On the medial side of the lower leg, along the line connecting Great Stream (KI-3) and Yin Valley (KI-10), 5 cun above Great Stream (KI-3), and in the lower inner part of the belly of the gastrocnemius muscle. (This acupoint is bilateral, one on each side.)
Lie supine or sit upright with feet dangling. Starting from Great Stream (KI-3) (refer to "Great Stream"), measure upwards along the Great Stream (KI-3)-Yin Valley (KI-10) (refer to "Yin Valley") line by two horizontal fingers (the width of the thumb), then measure another four horizontal fingers, and at the same time, measure two horizontal fingers from the posterior side of the tibia, the intersection of these two measurements, where pressing induces a sensation of soreness and swelling, is the location of this acupoint.