Headache, stiff neck, stiff neck from sleeping in a wrong position ("stiff neck" or "waking up with a stiff neck"), red and swollen eyes, deafness, tinnitus, nosebleed, epilepsy, malaria, jaundice, night sweats, back and leg pain, and spasms in the elbow, arm, and fingers.
On the ulnar side of the palm, slightly make a fist, at the thenar crease on the distal side of the 5th metacarpophalangeal joint at the junction of the red and white skin. (This acupoint is paired, one on each side)
Step 1: Hold a fist with the palm facing up. Step 2: On the inner (ulnar) side of the palm, behind the metacarpophalangeal joint of the little finger, there is a skin crease that protrudes, and the tip of this crease (at the distal thenar crease where the red and white skin meet) is the location of this acupoint.