Headache, stiff neck, tinnitus and deafness, cataract, pain and numbness in the shoulder and arm, wrist pain, finger cramps, rib-side pain, fever without sweating, stomatitis, jaundice, thirst, diabetes, convulsions, epilepsy, and malaria.
On the inner side behind the wrist, in the depression at the junction of the red and white skin between the base of the 5th metacarpal bone and the trapezium bone.
Gently make a fist with the palm facing the chest. Push from the Back Stream (SI-3) point (refer to "Back Stream") towards the wrist, and you can feel two bones (the base of the 5th metacarpal bone and the trapezium bone). At the junction of these two bones, on the transition between the palmar and dorsal sides, you can find a depression, which is the location of this acupoint.