1.Nervous and mental system diseases: mental disorders, epilepsy, intercostal neuralgia, ulnar neuralgia; 2. Otorhinolaryngology system diseases: headache and dizziness, red and swollen eyes, neural deafness, tinnitus, stomatitis, gingivitis, parotitis; 3. Swelling of the jaw, wrist joint diseases, etc.
On the ulnar side of the wrist, in the depression between the styloid process of the ulna and the trapezium bone. (This acupoint is paired, one on each side)
Step 1: Bend the wrist. Step 2: On the ulnar side of the wrist on the back of the hand, you can feel two bones (the ulnar styloid process and the trapezium bone). At the junction of these two bones, there is a depression which is the location of this acupoint.