1.Nervous and mental system diseases: sequelae of cerebrovascular diseases, neuralgia of the shoulder and arm; 2.Movement system diseases: acute lumbar sprain, stiff neck from sleeping in a wrong position; 3.Others: impaired vision, pain in the shoulder, back, elbow, and upper arm, etc.
Located on the extensor aspect of the forearm, 1 cun above the wrist, when the palm faces the chest, it is in the osseous cleft above the radial edge of the ulnar styloid process. (This acupoint is paired, one on each side)
Step 1: Bend the elbow with the palm facing the chest. Step 2: On the ulnar side of the wrist, you can feel a prominent bone. Step 3: Following the highest point of this bone towards the thumb side (radial side), you can feel a bone cleft, which is the location of this acupoint.