1.Movement system diseases: shoulder and back soreness, stiff neck, stiff neck from sleeping in a wrong position, cervical spondylosis, neuralgia in the scapular region, spasm, paralysis; 2.Others: pneumonia, pleurisy, neurasthenia, hypotension, etc.
On the back, below the spinous process of the 1st thoracic vertebra, 3 cun lateral to the midline. (This acupoint is paired, one on each side)
Step 1: Sit with the head lowered or lie prone. Step 2: On the posterior midline, you can see a prominent protrusion on the vertebrae at the junction of the neck and back. Step 3: From this protrusion, move downward for one vertebra, and make a horizontal line at the depression below this vertebra. Step 4: The intersection of this horizontal line with the extension of the medial edge of the scapula is the location of this acupoint.