Introduction To Acupoints

Cheek Bone Crevice

Acupoint Name:Cheek Bone Crevice Acupoint

Acupoint Code:SI-18


Associated Meridian:The Small Intestine channel of Hand, Greater Yang

Main Diseases for Treatment

Facial palsy with deviation of the mouth and eye, eyelid twitching, toothache, cheek swelling.

Acupoint Location

On the face, directly below the outer canthus of the eye, in the depression at the lower edge of the zygomatic bone. (This acupoint is paired, one on each side)

Acupoint Selection Techniques

Step 1: Sit or lie supine.
Step 2: On the face, you can feel a depression at the lower edge of the highest point of the zygomatic bone, which is the location of this acupoint.

Acupoint Chart

SI-18:Cheek Bone Crevice(quanliao)
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