1.Movement system diseases: Lumbar pain, shoulder and arm pain, upper limb paralysis, hemiplegia; 2.Digestive system diseases: Ulcer disease, enteritis, indigestion, abdominal pain, vomiting and diarrhea; 3.Otorhinolaryngology system diseases: Toothache, stomatitis; 4.Others: Cervical lymph node tuberculosis, facial nerve paralysis, common cold, mastitis.
On the radial side of the dorsal aspect of the forearm, along the line connecting Yang Stream (LI-5) and Pool at the Bend (LI-11), 2 cun below the elbow crease. (This acupoint is paired, one on each side)
Step 1: Extend the arm with the palm facing down. Step 2: Identify Yang Stream (LI-5) acupoint: Lift the thumb upward to reveal a depression between the two tendons in front of the wrist crease, which is Yang Stream (LI-5) acupoint. Step 3: Identify Pool at the Bend (LI-11) acupoint: Bend the elbow to a 45° angle, on the lateral side of the elbow joint, at the elbow crease is Pool at the Bend (LI-11) acupoint. Step 4: Along the line connecting Yang Stream (LI-5) acupoint and Pool at the Bend (LI-11) acupoint, measure 2 transverse fingers (the transverse diameter at the interphalangeal joint of the thumb is 1 cun) below the elbow crease to find this acupoint.