Common cold, headache, fever, tinnitus, deafness, eye pain, swollen throat, facial palsy, tuberculous lymphadenitis, chest and rib-side pain, hand tremor and numbness of the fingers, difficulty in flexion and extension of the elbow and arm, numbness and pain in the upper limbs, stiff neck, acute lumbar sprain, etc.
On the dorsal side of the forearm, along the line connecting Yang Pool(TE-4) and the Elbow Tip (EX-UE1), 2 cun above the wrist crease, between the ulna and the radius. (This acupoint is paired, one on each side)
Step 1: Raise the arm with the palm facing down. Step 2: Measure straight up from the midpoint of the wrist crease for two transverse finger widths (the transverse diameter at the interphalangeal joint of the thumb is 1 cun). Step 3: In the depression between the two bones of the forearm, where there is a sensation of soreness and swelling upon pressure, is the location of this acupoint.