1.Head and facial diseases of the five senses: headache, deafness, sudden muteness and deafness, toothache from dental caries; 2.Movement system diseases: lumbar pain from contusion, arm pain with inability to raise; 3.Other diseases: chills and fever without sweating, internal injuries, sequelae of cerebrovascular diseases, eye diseases, aphasia.
On the dorsal side of the forearm, at the wrist crease. (This acupoint is paired, one on each side)
Raise the arm and face the palm downwards. Measure straight up from the midpoint of the wrist crease for the width of four transverse fingers to locate the Branch Ditch (TE-6) acupoint (refer to "Branch Ditch"). Then, measure one more transverse finger width directly above Branch Ditch, and in the depression between the two bones of the forearm, where there is a sensation of soreness and swelling upon pressure, is the location of this acupoint.