Osmosis, also known as bromhidrosis, refers to the condition where secreted sweat has a distinctive odor or becomes smelly after decomposition. This condition is more common in areas where there is excessive sweating, poor evaporation of sweat, and the presence of apocrine sweat glands, such as the armpits, groin, feet, perianal area, genital area, navel, and under the breasts in women. Foot and axillary (armpit) osmosis are the most common types.
Axillary osmosis, commonly known as "foul odor," has a particularly pungent smell that is more noticeable in the summer. A few patients may also emit this odor from the genital area, perianal area, and areola. Most patients have soft earwax in their ear canals. Patients often have colored sweat, with yellow being the most common.
In Traditional Chinese Medicine, osmosis is often considered to be caused by internal dampness-heat or genetic factors. Moxibustion can be used to regulate osmosis, focusing on the Jiquan acupoint and its surrounding area.
It is recommended to perform moxibustion once a day, targeting 2 to 3 acupoints each time, with each acupoint being treated for 30 to 40 minutes. Rotate the points treated, with a 10-day period constituting one course of treatment, and then rest for 2 to 3 days before continuing with the next course.
(If time permits and there is a need, more acupoints can be treated with moxibustion. The specific duration should be adjusted according to one's own physical needs.)