Moxibustion Treatment


Symptom Analysis

Priapism refers to a persistent erection of the penis that is not related to sexual desire. This condition is characterized by a prolonged erection of the penile corpora cavernosa without sexual arousal or stimulation, which can last for several hours, days, or even months, and is often accompanied by pain or discomfort during attempted intercourse. It has a sudden onset and can lead to permanent erectile dysfunction as a sequelae. The condition is often caused by emotional stress leading to liver stagnation and fire transformation, which scorches the sinew and causes spasm, or by damp-heat obstructing the sinew channels, resulting in congested blood vessels and an inflexible penile body.

Moxibustion Acupoint Selection

Treatment Course

It is recommended to perform moxibustion once a day, targeting 2 to 3 acupoints each time, with each acupoint being treated for 30 to 40 minutes.   Rotate the points treated, with a 10-day period constituting one course of treatment, and then rest for 2 to 3 days before continuing with the next course.

(If time permits and there is a need, more acupoints can be treated with moxibustion.   The specific duration should be adjusted according to one's own physical needs.)

Life Tips

1. Develop good sexual habits, moderate sexual activities, avoid strong sexual stimuli, and be adept at regulating and controlling negative emotions.

2. If you are ill, do not seek medical treatment indiscriminately, and never misuse various kidney-tonifying and yang-enhancing supplements. 
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