Vertigo refers to a sensation of dizziness and visual blurring, which is a clinical symptom. Modern medicine considers vertigo to be a disorder of spatial orientation or balance sensation in the human body, and it is a symptom of various diseases. There are many diseases that can cause vertigo, involving not only otolaryngology but also internal medicine, neurology, and orthopedics.
Kidney essence deficiency: Dizziness with tinnitus, frequent dreams and forgetfulness, decreased memory, mental lethargy, sore and weak waist and knees, poor tolerance to labor, or spermatorrhea and incontinence, loose teeth and hair loss.
Dizziness and blurred vision, even to the point of fainting, triggered by exertion and exacerbated by movement, accompanied by palpitations and shortness of breath, insomnia and fatigue, reduced appetite, listlessness and reluctance to speak, sweating with activity, and a pale complexion.
It is recommended to perform moxibustion once a day, targeting 2 to 3 acupoints each time, with each acupoint being treated for 30 to 40 minutes. Rotate the points treated, with a 10-day period constituting one course of treatment, and then rest for 2 to 3 days before continuing with the next course.
(If time permits and there is a need, more acupoints can be treated with moxibustion. The specific duration should be adjusted according to one's own physical needs.)