Moxibustion Treatment

Irregular Menstruation (Endocrine Dysfunction, Hormonal Imbalance, Uterine Cold)

Symptom Analysis

Irregular menstruation refers to abnormal changes in the menstrual cycle, amount, color, and quality of menstrual blood. It can be categorized into early menstruation, late menstruation, irregular menstruation, excessive menstrual flow, scanty menstruation, prolonged menstrual period, and intermenstrual bleeding. Clinically, it is mainly manifested as menstrual cycle disorder, varying length of menstrual period, and inconsistent amount of menstrual flow. The menstrual cycle is often shortened, or there is spotting before menstruation, with a normal menstrual cycle but prolonged menstrual period.

Traditional Chinese Medicine believes that the pathogenesis of irregular menstruation is as follows: early menstruation is often due to worries and depression, leading to qi stagnation turning into fire or heat accumulation in the uterus; late menstruation is often due to cold evil lingering or yang deficiency that cannot warm the Chong and Ren meridians; irregular menstruation may be due to liver qi stagnation or liver-kidney deficiency, all leading to disharmony of the Chong and Ren meridians.

Moxibustion Acupoint Selection

Auxiliary Acupoint Selection

Qi deficiency type: Menstrual periods tend to be early, with light-colored and thin menstrual blood, fatigue, limb weakness, empty feeling in the lower abdomen, poor appetite, and loose stools; the tongue is pale, the coating is white, and the pulse is thin and weak. Blood deficiency type: Menstrual periods tend to be delayed, with scanty, light-colored, and thin menstrual blood, lower abdominal dull pain, dizziness, blurred vision, palpitations, and insomnia, pale or sallow complexion; the tongue coating is scant, and the pulse is thin and weak. Kidney deficiency type: Menstrual periods may be early or late, with scanty menstrual flow, light color, and thin quality, dizziness, tinnitus, and soreness in the waist and knees; the tongue is pale, the coating is thin, and the pulse is deep and thin.
Qi stagnation type: Menstrual flow may be unsmooth, with periods that are early or late, menstrual volume varying, color purplish-red, with blood clots, chest and rib-side, breast, and lower abdominal distending pain, and a tendency to sigh; the tongue coating is thin white or thin yellow, and the pulse is tense. Blood heat type: Menstrual periods may be early, with a large amount of menstrual blood, color deep red or purplish-red, thick menstrual quality, chest and heart irritability, red face, dry mouth, constipation, red tongue, yellow coating, and slippery and rapid pulse for the real heat syndrome, early menstrual periods, small amount of menstrual blood, red color, thick quality, hot flashes, night sweats, hot palms and soles, sore waist and knees, red tongue, less coating, and thin and weak pulse for the virtual heat syndrome. Blood cold type: Menstrual periods may be delayed, with a small amount of menstrual blood, dark red color, with blood clots, cold lower abdominal pain, reduced pain with heat, fear of cold, and cold limbs; the tongue coating is white, and the pulse is deep and tight.

Treatment Course

It is recommended to perform moxibustion once a day, targeting 2 to 3 acupoints each time, with each acupoint being treated for 30 to 40 minutes.   Rotate the points treated, with a 10-day period constituting one course of treatment, and then rest for 2 to 3 days before continuing with the next course.

(If time permits and there is a need, more acupoints can be treated with moxibustion.   The specific duration should be adjusted according to one's own physical needs.)

Life Tips

1. Pay attention to avoiding cold and heat during menstruation and childbirth, such as getting wet in the rain or sitting and lying on damp ground. Maintain moderation in sexual life, and pay attention to hygiene and health preservation.

2. Food therapy soup: Red Date Soup
【Ingredients】20 red dates, 10 grams of Leonurus cardiaca, 10 grams of brown sugar
【Method】The above three ingredients are cooked into soup with water, taken once in the morning and evening daily
【Suitable for】Menstrual delay and scanty menstruation caused by cold during menstruation

Sorghum Flower Soup
【Ingredients】Red sorghum flowers, brown sugar in appropriate amounts
【Method】Decoct in water and consume in 2 portions
【Suitable for】Early menstruation with a large amount of bright red blood 
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