Chloasma, also known as Melasma, is a yellow-brown pigmentation on the face. It is often symmetrically distributed in a butterfly shape on the cheeks and is commonly seen in women. High levels of estrogen in the blood are the main cause, and its occurrence is related to pregnancy, long-term use of oral contraceptives, and menstrual irregularities.
It is recommended to perform moxibustion once a day, targeting 2 to 3 acupoints each time, with each acupoint being treated for 30 to 40 minutes. Rotate the points treated, with a 10-day period constituting one course of treatment, and then rest for 2 to 3 days before continuing with the next course. (If time permits and there is a need, more acupoints can be treated with moxibustion. The specific duration should be adjusted according to one's own physical needs.)
The development of melasma is closely related to the increasingly fast pace of modern life and the growing psychological stress. When a person is angry, the blood flow to the face suddenly increases, and this can lead to the formation of melasma over time. Long-term worry and anxiety can deplete qi and injure yin, resulting in poor meridian circulation and stagnation of qi and blood in the face, which can cause melasma. Therefore, in addition to physiological nourishment, it is also important to properly adjust psychologically to prevent melasma.