Moxibustion Treatment

Functional Vomiting

Symptom Analysis

Functional vomiting is one of the main symptoms of gastric neurosis, caused by disorders of the higher nervous system leading to gastrointestinal dysfunction without organic lesions. Modern medicine believes that the onset of this condition is related to adverse mental stimuli and improper diet. The main manifestation is recurrent involuntary vomiting episodes, usually occurring after eating, with sudden projectile vomiting, no significant nausea or other discomforts, appetite is not affected, patients can eat after vomiting, often without weight loss, no endocrine disorders, and commonly have a histrionic personality.

Functional vomiting falls within the category of "vomiting" in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Its etiology and pathogenesis are due to emotional discomfort, liver qi stagnation, invading the stomach, or worry damaging the spleen, leading to disharmony of the spleen and stomach.

Moxibustion Acupoint Selection

Auxiliary Acupoint Selection

Liver Qi Invading the Stomach Type: Vomiting or dry retching, frequent acid regurgitation and belching, feeling of depression and discomfort, irritability and anger or sadness and weeping, chest and hypochondriac bloating, epigastric discomfort, symptoms intensify with stimulation or emotional fluctuations; pale tongue, thin coating or slightly greasy, taut pulse.
Kidney Qi Deficiency Type: Prolonged vomiting, progressive emaciation, intermittent vomiting, pale complexion, cold extremities, sore and weak waist and knees, mental fatigue, forgetfulness; pale and swollen tongue with tooth marks on the edges, white and greasy coating, deep, thin, and slow pulse.
Additional Acupoints: 【(KI-3) Great Stream Acupoint】
Unclear Spirit Disturbing the Stomach Type: Emotional discomfort, sudden and severe vomiting with a large amount, mild epigastric discomfort after vomiting, chest and epigastric fullness, may be accompanied by fever and aversion to wind, headache and body aches; pale tongue, thin white and greasy coating, floating and slippery pulse.
Additional Acupoints: 【(TE-5) Outer Pass Acupoint】
Phlegm-Fluid Retention Type: Vomiting of clear water and phlegm, epigastric fullness and oppression, lack of appetite, intestinal rumbling, obesity, sometimes accompanied by dizziness and vertigo, palpitations, and restless sleep; pale tongue, white and greasy coating, taut and slippery pulse.
Spleen and Stomach Deficiency Type: Intermittent vomiting, aversion to food, fatigue and lack of energy, shortness of breath and reluctance to speak, sallow complexion, emaciation, tasteless mouth, and abdominal bloating after eating; pale tongue, white coating, and moist and slow pulse.

Treatment Course

It is recommended to perform moxibustion once a day, targeting 2 to 3 acupoints each time, with each acupoint being treated for 30 to 40 minutes.  Rotate the points treated, with a 10-day period constituting one course of treatment, and then rest for 2 to 3 days before continuing with the next course.

(If time permits and there is a need, more acupoints can be treated with moxibustion.  The specific duration should be adjusted according to one's own physical needs.)

Life Tips

1. Develop good living habits with a regular routine, avoiding the invasion of pathogenic factors such as wind, cold, summer heat, and dampness.

2. Maintain a pleasant mood and avoid mental stress.

3. Tea therapy recipe: Ginger and Perilla Drink. 3 slices of fresh ginger and 6 grams of Perilla frutescens, decocted in water together, serve as a tea drink. 
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