"Shen She Chuang" in Traditional Chinese Medicine is also known as "Chuan Yao Huo Dan," "Zhi Zhu Chuang," "She Chuan Chuang," "Huo Dai Dan," "Zeng Dai Chuang," "She Dan," "Fei She Dan," and colloquially referred to as "Chuan Yao Long," which can occur in any season. In Western medicine, it is called "Herpes Zoster."
Liver Meridian Heat Stagnation Type: The skin lesions are bright red, the blister walls are tense, and there is a burning and stabbing pain; bitter taste in the mouth, dry throat, irritability and easy to anger, dry stools, and yellow urine; yellow coating, and a taut, slippery, and rapid pulse.
Spleen Meridian Damp-Heat Type: The skin lesions are pale, and the blister walls are loose; thirst without desire to drink, chest and epigastric fullness, poor appetite, and intermittent loose stools; red tongue, yellow and greasy coating, and a moist and rapid pulse.
Stasis of Blood Obstructing the Collaterals Type: After the rash has subsided, there is still persistent local pain; restlessness and insomnia; red tongue, yellow and greasy coating, and a moist and rapid pulse. (On the face)
Stasis of Blood Obstructing the Collaterals Type: Persistent local pain even after the rash has subsided; restlessness and insomnia; red tongue, yellow and greasy coating, and a moist and rapid pulse. (On the chest)
Stasis of Blood Obstructing the Collaterals Type: Persistent local pain even after the rash has subsided; restlessness and insomnia; red tongue, yellow and greasy coating, and a moist and rapid pulse. (On the abdomen)
It is recommended to perform moxibustion once a day, targeting 2 to 3 acupoints each time, with each acupoint being treated for 30 to 40 minutes. Rotate the points treated, with a 10-day period constituting one course of treatment, and then rest for 2 to 3 days before continuing with the next course.
(If time permits and there is a need, more acupoints can be treated with moxibustion. The specific duration should be adjusted according to one's own physical needs.)